Financial independence 1

Financial independence is more than sipping cocktails at the beach

Financial independence is more than sipping cocktails at the beach

The original appeal to the FIRE life when I first discovered it was the fact that I wouldn’t have to work anymore. Spending all day at the beach or watching sport sounding amazing. Not being answerable to a boss.

Over time though, I’ve discovered that it is essential to […..]

You can always make more money. You can't make more time

You can always make more money. You can't make more time

The key attraction of financial independence for me is that it creates more time to do the things you want to be doing.

Many of us are only doing certain jobs and spending our time in certain ways because it is what pays the bills and helps us to get ahead. Even if this is time that is not enjoyable. That is the story for […..]

Keeping up with the Mustachians

Keeping up with the Mustachians

Up until my late 20’s many of you know that I had a negative net worth. Spending all my income on useless things such as over eating, over drinking, over travelling, and over housing. I was buying the best of everything of too much of it. Mainly because I thought this was the path to living the good life.

All my mates were doing it and I just wanted to keep up. In fact, I more than wanted to keep up. I wanted the best. However, there was […..]