Paid parental leave calculator — Your Money Blueprint - Independent financial advice

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Paid parental leave calculator

The maximum you can earn from the government for parental leave payments is $754.87 a week. The threshold for this is pretty low. If your gross income is greater than $39,260 a year, then you won’t get any more than $754.87. Unless of course you have one of those unicorn employers that also contributes.

If your income is less than $39,260 a year (or less than $19,630 for the highest paid 26 weeks in the year between your due date and 1 year earlier) then use this handy calculator to calculate how much parental leave payments you are likely to receive.

This calculator doesn’t determine your eligibility. You will have to find that out. It just provides how much you may receive IF you are entitled to receive it.

All income amounts are gross (before deductions such as tax).

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