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Self insure or get life insurance calculator

With this calculator, you can see whether or not you will profit or lose from your insurance based on the costs of your premium and life expectancy. Then you can see how long it would take investing to be better off investing.

This should provide you with a good idea on whether or not you are comfortable taking on the risk yourself or paying for insurance. And at what point you want to take on the risk yourself. Life insurance gets exponentially more expensive as you age, so it requires fairly regular analysis of how much insurance you need, if any. At some point, it may not be worth it to you as time goes on.

The calculator assumes an annual percentage cost increase of your choosing, however you can choose up to four periods of time where premiums increase by more than your assumed percentage.

For personalised advice on any financial decisions you are considering, then get in touch for a no obligations chat to see how we may be able to add value for you.

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