Don't let greed delay your early retirement — Your Money Blueprint - Independent financial advice

Don't let greed delay your early retirement

When I first discovered financial independence, I made a plan to save up 25 x annual expenses and then retire, never to earn a dollar again. This would have taken approximately another 8 years.

I have since changed my tune and realised full early retirement is not for me for a few reasons:

1/. I don’t want to work at an unfulfilling job for another 8 years

2/. I don’t want to work full time for another 8 years

3/. I would still want to work after I “retired”

4/. I can’t imagine not earning another dollar after an early retirement

5/. I want to spend more time with my young family in their early years

For those reasons, I have decided to pull the plug from full time work in 3 years. A whole 5 years before reaching full FI.

I will still obviously need to work, but I’ll only need to work part time to just earn enough to cover expenses, letting our savings grow untouched.

This will allow me to live a much more desirable and balanced lifestyle much sooner than otherwise. And if I’m going to work in more desirable jobs after retirement anyway, why not work in them sooner instead of waiting for a fully padded retirement fund?

Otherwise we will end up with more than we know what to do with.

More money but less time.

And I am choosing time. It is a scarce resource, and becomes more limited by the year.

So that is my version of enough and I am not going to let greed or desire for more money delay my best life.

If you need help with your personal retirement planning, then get in touch today.