Don't let ego get in the way of progress
I’m not sure if this is true of other financial advisers but a significant majority of first contact for my services is made by women.
I may be wrong here, and I run the risk of upsetting some people, but I put this down to women being much better than men at not letting ego get in the way of making good decisions.
I think many men are overconfident in their own abilities and feel like they are conceding they aren’t good enough when they go to someone for advice. I can say this because I feel the same sometimes. I would say there is a lot of truth to the man not asking for directions joke.
asking for help is a great first step towards progress
But asking for help is not giving up or conceding. In fact, it is quite the opposite. It is saying that you want better. You want more.
When I provide a financial plan, I am confident that I am adding significantly more in value than the cost of the service. My customers, I like to think, are much better off than they would have been if they didn’t use my services.
So it is a shame when people who may need help, don’t have the courage to take that step.
Finances are extremely personal and sharing that information with a stranger is hard.
But just know, that when you seek advice, you are not a weaker person. In my opinion, that makes you stronger. Recognising that you can be better off with various support people and services in your life is a sign of awareness and strength.
As an independent adviser, I have had a wide range of clients from many walks of life, and not much surprises me now. You will never be judged.
So if it is your ego that is preventing you from improving your life, then take a step back, push your pride to the side, and make the best decisions for you. Thinking you know it all or worrying about what someone will think of you will stymy your progress big time.
The information contained on this site is the opinion of the individual author(s) based on their personal opinions, observation, research, and years of experience. The information offered by this website is general education only and is not meant to be taken as individualised financial advice, legal advice, tax advice, or any other kind of advice. You can read more of my disclaimer here