Plans change
Just a quick thought exercise for today to get the juices flowing.
If you look back in time 5 years, is where you are today what you pictured?
I ask because mine is not even close.
5 years ago
Willing to work at a job I didn’t enjoy until I was 65
Struggling with a large mortgage
Living in a highly desirable suburb
Fit and healthy
No other plans
Planning to have enough to retire by age 50 if I want
Married with a child
In a much smaller house with no mortgage
Badly injured back, recovering from surgery
Started my own business
An independent financial adviser
A volunteer budget adviser
So much has changed in the last five years for me (not all for the better). Most of it has been good change though. So don’t be too upset if you don’t always meet your goals. Our medium to long term goals often change before we reach them anyway. Five years ago I could have never accurately predicted where I am today. My predictions were not even close! I am glad they were off, as I have outperformed all expectations. It is just a different set of results than expected though.
All we need to do is set our navigation system to the direction we want and make changes accordingly. Life rarely happens in a straight path so we must remain flexible and make the most of any new opportunities.
In another five years I predict:
I’ll no longer be an employee
I’ll be a full time business owner helping people with their finances
Still happily married with maybe another addition
Living in the same house
Back to full fitness
It will be interesting to see how far off my predictions will be in another five years. Hopefully there are great new things yet to happen that aren’t even on the list. I do know though, that if a great opportunity comes up I won’t be afraid to change path and take it.
The information contained on this site is the opinion of the individual author(s) based on their personal opinions, observation, research, and years of experience. The information offered by this website is general education only and is not meant to be taken as individualised financial advice, legal advice, tax advice, or any other kind of advice. You can read more of my disclaimer here