Best of the bunch - July 2024
Each month, we share our favourite reads, listens, and watches from across the World Wide Web. Below you will find recommendations from the last month.
A tool for testing investor confidence (Behavioural investment)
Chasing the biggest stocks (A wealth of common sense)
I’m not ready for retirement (But I’m not waiting) (Morningstar)
If it doesn’t come bursting out of you in spite of everything (John P Weiss)
Nvidia’s day in the sun(flower) (The best interest)
How useful is historical data in predicting future returns? (Retirement researcher)
Push the fence (Raptitude)
The folly of certainty (The memo podcast)
Leaving a legacy bigger than possessions (Becoming minimalist)
A couple won the powerball. Investing it turned into tragedy (The Wall Street Journal)
6 lessons from 6 years of retirement (The retirement manifesto)
3 investment fallacies I’ve had to unlearn (Morningstar)
How to know when it’s time to break up with your job (The art of manliness podcast)
Reasons to sell (Spilled coffee)